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Self Love

Many of you are many of you could be thinking, "What exactly do I do about this? How can I remove the negativity and shaming environment?" If I m completely honest, you  cannot, unless ofcourse you remove yourself away from all civilization, and not surrounded by other insecure people with internet who shame others to make themselves feel better. So, you can do three things about it - 

1. Do not care about what others think, because as long as the way you look does not affect them and is not harming you, it is not their business. 

2. Change it - Yes, you can change many parts of your body now, thank to the continuous growth in science and technology, which now allows us to do augmentations, reductions, and completely changing, just to help you accept yourself even more. This should only be done if you are extremely unhappy about that certain part of yourself, have medical conditions or had accidents and are willing to go through the procedure. Remember, no matter what happens, do not change yourself to look better in other people's eyes, because in the end, all that should matter is how happy are you.

3. Concentrate more on what you like about yourself, and care less about your the scale on the weighing machine says, and simply lead  fun and healthy sporty life. 

However it is important t remember that many people have unfortunately fallen into the mindset of having the perfect body, causing them to become anorexic (one who losses or lacks an appetite for food) or bulimic (one who overeats, and then forces themselves to either fast for long periods of time, or puke out whatever they had eaten). This causes them to become eve more self conscious and affected by society and media that shows us what is supposedly correct.

These conditions however, can be overcome by learning about self love and the help of friends, family, and close ones. 

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